How To Raise Your Regressor

Chapter 132 - Get Pranked, Big Gurl

Chapter 132 - Get Pranked, Big Gurl

The moment Samur winked at her, the blades revolving in the air around Noelle slashed towards her.

Well, that sure was unexpected.

She was on the stage to protect Samur from those swords through her own body, but Samur had just skipped the first part and unleashed the blades directly on her.

That sure was efficient, yes, but unlike Samur, Noelle had no intention of getting impaled by swords if it was not to protect him.

So yea, the situation was far from ideal.

Anyway, as a top class assassin, Noelle immediately predicted the trajectory of the swords heading towards her and designed a set of movements to narrowly yet efficiently avoid all of them.

She was attending this seminar as one of the most influential people of this world; of course she\'d be capable of at least this much.

In other words, the situation was still salvageable.

However, while going through the movements she devised in her mind, she noticed that a certain direction required almost no evasion from her.

She glanced in that direction, only to see the audience.

That direction, her, and the sneaky Samur behind her were in a straight line.

\'Don\'t tell me!\' With the speed of lightning she turned around.

Alas, she was a bit too late.

By the time she turned around, the masked Samur was already before her. He slammed his body into her. She prepared herself at the last moment to handle him.

However, the force behind the tackle was much more than her expectations, so she was sent flying.

Flying in the direction of the audience, right through the place where there were almost no blades.

"Ah!" Several people from the audience gasped.

As she was sent flying, Noelle looked back at the figure of Samur. She subconsciously extended her hand towards him, perhaps hoping that he\'d grab it.

Obviously, he did not.

Since Noelle was in a position to be attacked by the rotating swords, and Samur had just pushed her off that place, he was in the line of attack of those sharp blades.

Shattering Noelle\'s fragile hope, the blades attacked Samur with their full might.

Within seconds, his body was chopped up in several tiny pieces. His hand went flying in one direction while his foot in another.

Within moments, both the stage and the audience\'s vision were dyed red with his blood ss they heard the meaty splashes of his… minced meat falling.

The last to fall was his head which, surprisingly, had been cleaved off cleanly from his torso.

Samur was pretty much dead.

Well, pretty much.

The yellow, translucent hands he had conjured through magic moved.

They opened the bottle containing the Elixir and poured its content on his head. The moment the last drop fell on his almost lifeless head, a light brighter than the future of an average orphan in the Middle Ages shone.

Behind the veil of that blinding light, the chunks of meat which were once Samur moved towards the head.

They congregated and formed a grotesque mass of meat, wriggling and squirming around, until they formed the shape of a body.

And as before, that makeshift body glowed and turned into a real body.

The process was pretty nauseating to look at. That\'s why it was covered in a veil of light. For others, Samur should have appeared out of an explosion of light.

"Tadah!" Samur spread his arms out and exclaimed.

Since his head had been cut cleanly, the mask was still intact, albeit it had a few streaks of crimson.

He might have to wash it later.

"Well, my jeans didn\'t make it, it would seem," Samur chuckled.

An Elixir only healed the wounds of living objects, so the jeans which had been ripped to shreds did not return back to their former state.

In other words, when Samur was resurrected from his pseudo-death, he was in his birthday suit.

Did that mean that he was currently standing naked in front of a hall full of more than 50 people?

While that would have been such an alpha chad thing to do, Samur had conjured new pants through magic, so needless to say, his chastity was still safe.

"Well, well," Samur made his way towards Noelle, who, contrary to his expectations, was still lying down on the stage.

His every step produced a squelch; the stage was still full of blood, after all.

The Elixir merely healed him, it did not turn back time, So the blood remained to remind everyone that whatever had happened just now was real and not a figment of their imagination.

"I\'m truly thankful that you volunteered for this demonstration, Ms. Noelle," Samur bent down and extended his hand towards her. "I couldn\'t have done this without you."

Noelle flinched the moment he said that and looked at him with teary eyes.

"Though it would seem you were not fully ready for something of this level," he shook his head. "I apologise for not telling you what I was going to do beforehand. I simply had some rules to follow."

"…" she barely stopped the tears from flowing out, took Samur\'s hand and stood up.

"Please take your seat. We will continue with the Seminar now."

Noelle nodded stiffly, went down the stage and took her seat.

The moment she did, she sank in her seat and let out a heavy sigh as her head drooped.

"Is she alright?" Jennifer asked, purely out of concern.

"She will be fine," Azell replied, his tone a bit sharp.

"If you say so," Jennifer turned back to the man on the stage.

"Now, I might have taken the \'show don\'t tell\' approach a bit too seriously, so let me spell it out for you. What I just showed you was an Elixir," he paused and looked around the venue. "An Elixir that had been developed in a laboratory."

"What!?" Jennifer couldn\'t help but exclaim out loud and lean forward in her seat.

Surprisingly, hers was the mildest reaction in this room.

"A laboratory?"

"An artificial Elixir?"

"He says he developed it."

"That can\'t be possible."

And many more such reactions emerged from the room. Some of them fell out of their seats the moment they heard about an artificial Elixir. Some stood up, while a few were still in the stage of processing what they had just heard.

Samur simply let them do their thing; he let them wander in the sea of possibilities like crippled headless chickens.

When the initial commotion died out, they all looked back at him.

"You heard that right. We were successful in creating Artificial Elixirs."

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