Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 539: Accusations

Closely following Obito’s death, Kaguya released all the tailed beasts trapped inside her, allowing them to roam freely. Yuna gave all of them a method to contact her for safety measures. I would be rather silly to set them free just for someone else to recapture them.

Some might argue or even demand that the tailed beasts are “returned” to the shinobi villages, but Yuna will “politely” deny those requests.

Technically, the tailed beasts could be considered Kaguya’s grandchildren, but neither side felt that to be the case, so they easily parted ways.

‘Well, if I were to marry Kaguya, wouldn’t I be your grandmother-in-law, Kurama?’

[I do not accept such a relationship. Buzz off.]

‘Do not talk to your grandmother like that, young man!’

[How do you manage to get more annoying every day?]

‘Hehe, I’m just that good.’

Anyway, the war was over, and there were surprisingly few causalities, which were mainly accredited to multiple powerful individuals that kept the reanimated people away, allowing average shinobi to fight the White Zetsus freely.

Funnily enough, all of these individuals had at least some connection with Yuna and the Uzumaki clan, showcasing how significant their contributions towards this victory were.

Naturally, the victory needed to be celebrated, so quite a lot of people were already making preparations to hold a massive nation-spanning festival. Instead of being exhausted from the war, people were excited as morale was at an all-time high.

While the five Kage were watching over the logistics, a flustered messenger burst into the room, causing the Kage to frown.

“What is going on.”

The messenger shrank back due to A’s glare but quickly regained his bearing.

“T-T-The d-daimyos… t-they…”

A rolled his eyes at the stuttering messenger, wondering what he was making such a fuss about.

“So the daimyos are here? Guess they want to meddle in the logistics of this festival. They’ll probably try to make a prof…”

“T-They are dead!”

While A was coming up with his own theory, the messenger managed to stammer out the whole story, making the five Kage freeze up.

Moments later, their heads snapped toward a certain direction, where a woman was lazing around on a couch, while stroking the hair of a white-skinned woman with horns.

Initially, all of them wanted to know who that horned woman was and why the third eye on her forehead had the same pattern as the moon during the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but after getting too close to the couch, she started glaring at them with such intensity that all five of them dropped the matter.

Yuna felt multiple gazes land on her, so she diverted her attention away from Kaguya, causing her to frown.

“Yes? Is there something on my face?”

Tsunade sighed deeply as she started rubbing the bridge of her nose with one hand while taking a sip from a hip flask with the other.

“Yuna, did you assassinate the Daimyos?”

Yuna chuckled in amusement at that question and directed her gaze at the messenger.

“Well, that is certainly something I would do, but let’s gather some more information first. Hey, messenger, when were they killed. You should have an approximate time, right?”

“Eh? Ah, yes. They died around four hours ago.”

Yuna simply shrugged her shoulders when she heard that, acting like she was just declared innocent.

“I was fighting Madara four hours ago. Sorry, but your accusations are ridiculous.”

A could only scoff when he heard Yuna’s excuse.

“And what would stop you from just sending a clone to do the deed?”

Yuna scoffed in disdain when she heard A’s words.

“You assuming that a single clone can break into the highly secured place that hosts the nation’s most important people aside, do you honestly think I had the leisure to divert even a sliver of my chakra to something else while fighting Madara?”

A’s face scrunched up as he considered Yuna’s words. Although he could only watch the fight remotely, that was certainly not a fight where one of the participants had any wiggle room to spare.

Nevertheless, he couldn’t believe that Yuna was innocent. In fact, all the other Kage were of the same opinion. Well, Mei would take Yuna’s side if it came to a conflict, despite thinking she was guilty.

Before things could be discussed further, the door opened again, allowing a middle-aged man and his two guards to enter. Surprisingly, the man wore the fire Daimyo’s official robe.

He arrogantly let his gaze wander around the room before landing on Yuna.

“I declare Yuna Uzumaki guilty of killing my father and his fellow daimyos.”

All heads, even the ones of his two guards, snapped towards the middle-aged man, while Yuna couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement.

The five Kage had cold sweat flowing down their backs. Even if they somehow got a confession out of Yuna, they would at best ask her for some form of compensation as that would only be between them.

However, now that things have become official, the punishment for Yuna’s crime will be…

“You two, arrest her. For the act of killing a daimyo, she will be arrested and executed.”

… the death penalty.

However, would Yuna really meekly accept that? THAT Yuna?

While four of the Kage simply wore ugly expressions, Tsunade was sweating up a little puddle underneath her as her whole body was trembling. She took out her hip flask and emptied it in a few big gulps. Although the familiar burning sensation in her throat calmed her down a little, she still was far from being fine.

‘I’m sorry, grandfather. It seems like Konoha, no, the Land of Fire, will perish during my rule.’

Meanwhile, the two guards looked at their lord like he had just grown a second head.

‘ ‘ Arrest her? That Yuna Uzumaki who changed the terrain while fighting Madara Uchiha in a hundred-meter-tall chakra construct. How are we supposed to arrest her? Since when is suicide part of our job description?’ ‘

At the same time, a broad smile appeared on Yuna’s face as she noticed a few more weak chakra signatures approaching this very room.

‘I love it when a plan works out.’

[Are you sure you aren’t aiming for world domination?]

‘Eww, no. That’s so… third rate.’

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