Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 502: Yuna’s Strongest Jutsu

Amidsts the devastating attacks, four figures were constantly zooming about, expertly weaving through the incoming attacks while continually trying to get an advantageous position.

Madara couldn’t help but frown a little when he realized that his Sharingan did very little in this fight. While Naruto at least twitched once before he broke out of his Genjutsu, Yuna didn’t react in the slightest. In fact, after Madara tried to put her under Genjutsu the first time, she held eye contact as much as possible with a mocking smile on her face, annoying him greatly.

Additionally, Madara’s Sharingan couldn’t predict the movement of Naruto’s chakra armor nor Yuna’s in general.

Nonetheless, Madara was immensely enjoying himself. This was precisely what he carved. Rather than destroying a large army with overwhelming force, fighting someone worthy of his power was much more fun.

The four people separated again, forming two groups of two. While Yuna and Madara had battle-crazed smiles on their faces, Naruto and Hashirama wore more reserved facial expressions. Well, considering Kurama’s desire to beat up Hashirama, Naruto’s facial expression didn’t appear to be too human either.

“Hahaha, what a good dance. How about this move!?”

Madara clapped his hands together, forming the rat sign, while his eyes changed and turned into the Mangekyou Sharingan. At the same time, chakra covered his body, forming the upper torso of a human that quickly mimicked Madara’s hand movement. Additionally, a second Susanoo formed, mirroring the first.

“Oi, aren’t you pushing this too far, Madara!?”

Hearing Hashirama’s words, a crazed smile appeared on Madara’s face.

“No, Hashirama, this will show me for how long I can enjoy this dance!”

Meanwhile, Oonoki spectated the fight with awe on his face. Only now did he truly understand why Tsunade allowed Yuna to act so rampant: Because she had the qualifications to act as she saw fit due to her strength alone. The title of ‘Kage’ held no meaning for her due to surpassing the weight it carries by far.

Oonoki noticed that Yuna, Naruto, Madara, and Hashirama were all looking upwards, and when he followed their gazes, he could only pare in terror.

Just now, the clouds split, revealing a genuinely colossal meteor descending from the sky, directly towards Yuna and Naruto.

“I-Is that the power of a god?”

However, hearing his own words, Oonoki gritted his teeth in anger.

‘Did I just decide to give up? Since when was my heart so fragile? NO! I possess the Will of Stone and will never give up!’

“Kazekage-dono, let’s go. If the four of us combine our strengths, we will be able to stop this attack.”

However, Gaara was still indifferent and had his arms crossed in front of his chest. He glanced at Oonoki before shaking his head.

“You still don’t understand it, Tsuchikage-dono.”

“Understand? What is there to understand? Since our two powers combined are perfect for stopping this, we should help them!”

Gaara could only shake his head as he looked at Yuna, who currently eyed the incoming meteor in glee.

“This will be a good lesson for you, Tsuchikage-dono. Witness it. Witness what kind of existence Yuna Uzumaki is.”

Oonoki was just about to ask Gaara what he was talking about when loud laughter echoed over the battlefield.


Oonoki almost face-planted when he heard Yuna’s yell.

“Impossible; she still isn’t taking this seriously?”

Gaara could only chuckle in amusement as he focused on whatever Yuna planned to do.

Meanwhile, Madara and Hashirama also were somewhat close to face-planting, while Naruto could only chuckle in amusement.

Anyway, as soon as she finished speaking, she flared her chakra, intermixing it with Kurama’s, and slapped her hands on the ground, turning it into solid ice.

“[Ice Style: Ascension of the Heaven Propping Divine Pillar]”

A circular field of ice in front of Yuna started glowing, and moments later, a monstrous ice pillar grew out of the ground, its diameter around 50% bigger than the meteors, causing everyone’s eyes to widen in surprise. For once, Yuna’s outrageous technique names seem to come true as a colossal pillar rose from the ground, easily deserving the moniker of “Heaven Propping”.

However, as soon as the pillar started rising, Naruto felt like something was off.

‘Why did nee-san choose such a weird ankle. If it grows like that, it won’t hit the meteor’s center. No way, don’t tell me…’

The ice pillar collided with the side of the meteor, and as soon as the two attacks collided, Yuna’s ice engulfed the meteor, turning it into a gigantic ice ball, stopping Madara’s attack after a few seconds that were filled with the sound of ice slowly cracking.

Madara couldn’t help but be impressed by Yuna actually stopping his attack.

“Truly impressive. However… What will you do about the second one?”

Another meteor of equal size broke through the clouds and quickly approached the first.


Yuna asserted her will on her ice, making it shift and slightly move the caught meteorite to the side, preventing the second one from hitting the first.

Yet again, a meteor collided with Yuna’s ice pillar, resulting in the same phenomenon as the previous time. It was stopped and frozen after threatening to break Yuna’s ice pillar for a few seconds. Now, both meteors were trapped next to each other, while being propped up by a gigantic ice pillar.

“Seriously, nee-san? Was this necessary?”

“W-What the hell? There is no way she didn’t block my jutsu like that on purpose.”


“Hehe… hahaha… HAHAHA!!!”

“It’s good that you finally understood, Oonoki.”

As everyone’s words of disbelief echoed over the battlefield, madness-ridden laughter escaped Yuna’s mouth.


Very humorous take on the entire reborn into Naruto theme. Have to say it’s a really refreshing sense of humour. Not the typical gags that have been done to death but really surprising original jokes or inspiration taken from somewhere I don’t know haha. The dialogue is great and characters really pop and aren’t cookie cutter shaped exposition or cliches. There’s a satisfying lifestyle they’re living And it’s great. No knowledge of Naruto the series but a whole bunch of outside context powers gathered through years of Xianxia living. Lots of fun situations happened and will probably happen in the future. Great stories like this send me to the authors profile in hopes they’ve written a few more stories haha. Unfortunately this is the first for this profile but hopefully it won’t be the last

Usually, I do not give out pure 5 stars as there is always a little something, that sours the experience for me. This time, however, it’s impossible to give anything else! Every aspect of this story is superb. The quality of writing is very nearly flawless with only a minuscule chance of even typos appearing. The development of the story leans on the canon timeline of events. The tiny changes pile up though, and somewhere in the not-so-far future, canon will be wrecked. The characters… Oh god, the characters. Usually, this is where I lower the rating, since you’ll either have copied characters from canon or heavily ooc ones. Instead, you’ll get a single original character, who believably influences others. That’s extremely hard to pull off correctly, but it’s done fantastically well here. Updating Stability. We get lot’s of chapters to fuel our addiction, nuff said. World Background: Here, I do not only rate the Naruto universe, but also her home dimension. It’s been deliciously vague till now. We get snippets of information, that keep us interested but not so much that it feels like an info dump, which is a hard line to toe. Well done! Overall, we get a reinvented universe, a lovable main cast and all around a good feeling while reading this book. 5 stars are very much deserved and well earned! Keep up the good work!

honestly the name and synopsis of this fic is god-awful, and despite having it in my library for a while i could never bring myself to read it cuz i figured itd be terribly disappointing, like strongest talent in naruto, but then i actually read it and even just for the comedy factor alone its great, and despite the MC being a cultivator and so obviously from a CN world, she’s not ‘Chinese’ if you know what i mean, all in all, i read 300 chapters (400k+ words) in 3 days, once i started this i literally, and i cant express this enough, LITERALLY, did not stop reading unless to eat, sleep, or toilet breaks. i just couldnt put it down, the writing is as good as it can be, but the Dialog, OoOOooohh~~ its sooo goooood, honestly the characters feel SO real, its impossible to not be immersed, and despite how this may be difficult to believe by my review so far, but i have quite high standards, yet i love this fic, in spite of the fact that i dont really even like the plot, fics where the MC is a part of narutos generation arent really my cup off tea and yet i love this one because it is just so well written. and finally, Author-san, if youre reading this i want you to know that i spend all my time reading because i hate my life and like this i can escape into the lives of others, and i just want you to know that even if it was only for 3 days, thank you so, so much for letting me feel happy again for a bit :> TL:DR: dont let the title and synopsis deceive you, this story is amazing, at least read the first 2 chapters and you wont be able to put it down

Here I go shameless 5 Star review. Had this story in my head for quite some time now. I started making notes where I want this to go about two month ago and now im finally bringing it on the screen. This will have a good mix of action, comedy and a little bit of romance, while occasionaly pointing out the weirdness that is the Naruto world. Hope you enjoy it.

I never thought that I would see a cultivator naruto fanfic that is worth reading. All things considered I would love to dump some PWR Stones to this fanfic. But 15k words which should of be met or maybe it needs ten reviews. Can you post multiple reviews for one book / fanfic?

Let All Mongrels Who Read This Know, That This Fanfiction Has This King’s Stamp Of Approval. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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