Ball of Nothing

Chapter 571: The Messiah's Wisdom

"The messiah is awake!" the person yelled, and Zero clutched his head, moaning in pain.

The shout alerted those on standby, and immediately, people were deployed to check on the saviour of Lycantopia. The werebeast doctor was a white stork beastman, and he shook his head after diagnosing Zero with very low mana reserves.

"How is he?" King Gaon asked nervously after chasing everyone else out of Zero\'s tent, much to Zero\'s delight.

The stork doctor glanced at Zero through his monocle and squinted. "Young one, you\'ve gambled a lot in that battle against Queen Leah\'s rage. It is quite the miracle how you\'re not dead yet but only crippled. I don\'t know if you\'d ever recover, your chakra channels are severely dried up, and your mana reserves are almost empty. Anyone else would be on death\'s doors but seeing as you\'re able to regain consciousness within a few days, the gods must favour you."

After hearing the stork doctor\'s analysis, King Gaon sent the doctor out. Zero didn\'t react to the news, but King Gaon did. Once nobody else was in the tent, the king dropped to his knees and bowed his head to the ground.

"Oh, Messiah! Your sacrifice for Lycantopia, I shall forever remember. I swear it on the pride of the werebeasts to do whatever it takes to repay this debt."

Zero played the part of a magnanimous hero perfectly. "Please, rise. I only did what was right and expected of me. Lycantopia doesn\'t owe me anything."

With an ashen expression, King Gaon insisted otherwise, and Zero gave in with a sigh. "If you are so insistent, it would be horrible of me to refuse."

Hearing that the messiah was accepting assistance, King Gaon was ready to hear Zero\'s first request of them.

"Queen Leah is still far from getting over her heartbreak. The storm that I subdued will return. An angry young dragon destroyed the city. It will only be a matter of time before the sea thieves returned. Although I have lost my magical abilities, the words of gods still reside within me. If you truly wish to show me your gratitude, would you listen to the words from the heavens that I will convey to the beastfolks of Lycantopia?"

King Gaon got on one knee, ready to receive the revelation of the heavens. Zero rehearsed the lines in his head now that he successfully won over the favour of the beastfolks. He didn\'t have time to inform Truen or Bb that he was now awake, but they would figure it out soon enough.

"The dragon is scorned, and he will return. The warrior should prepare for the battle ahead. The city in ruins needs hands to rebuild. Gather citizens of Lycantopia, weak, young or old. Every individual has a talent untold. Queen Leah\'s rage, appease her heartbreak. The weather will be blessed for future sea trades. Altear is calling, the elves need new friends. A partnership between sea and mountain will cause barren lands new hope to prosper. Last but not least, the ones who are homeless. Set them free if you love them enough. True love will stay without bargains or oppression."

King Gaon bowed deeply and memorised the Messiah\'s words even if he didn\'t understand it fully.

"Great Messiah, I heed your words. However, a man unlearned as I am only good at swinging a sword. If you are not in a hurry, could you stay a little longer to guide us in our darkest times?"

Zero opened his mouth to answer, but the serious mood was destroyed by an extremely loud growl from his stomach, demanding immediate attention. King Gaon beamed as Zero blushed, covering his face with both hands. The lion werebeasts laughed and hollered for people to bring in a meal. Zero didn\'t know what kind of food these werebeasts could create with their city destroyed, but he waited patiently under King Gaon\'s careful watch.

"Truen, what\'s going on?" he asked in the party call.

The moment Bob heard Zero\'s voice, he jumped into the conversation, cutting Truen off.

"Master! You\'re finally awake! It\'s chaos..."

Zero waited for his best friend to tell him the details of what happened after his little act with Bob. From the archer\'s analysis, these people wouldn\'t immediately starve to death because the fields and farms aren\'t affected even if they had a bad yield. Instead, the more pressing matter would be to find a way to get Jermine and her family out of here without attracting other homeless citizens\' attention.

"Can we relocate Monoman and the mole people a little further up? I know they\'re going a little too close to the lawless zone, so I need you to protect them while waiting for Schaf to come with transportation. Leave Donkey Sharo behind. I will transform him into something else I can easily bring around. Bob, you can stay with me this time. Truen can ride the paka-paka instead."

Happy that he could finally spend more time with Zero, Bob whooped in delight. Truen started writing letters and surveying the area that they can relocate to safely. There was no time to waste. They should take advantage of the current chaos when they still could.

The meal presented to Zero was a simple one. Yet, it was also considered luxurious for a chaotic time like this. Not one to fuss about food much, Zero thanked the werebeasts for providing him with a proper meal. Zero dug into his pasta with some dried herbs, fruits and freshly caught fish, sprinkled with authentic sea salt. It wasn\'t bad in taste, but the doctor wondered if everyone had the same luxury or if the others outside were starving instead.

King Gaon watched Zero eat the meal prepared and swallowed mouthfuls of saliva. It has been several days since the attack on Lycantopia. Everything was in chaos, and this humble meal was all they could afford to make for the messiah. As the king, he was embarrassed to present such a shameful side of their country to the hero. He dared not show the hero what sort of state their country had become. If he knew that people were starving out there as he ate what was actually the first decent meal in days, he might not eat at all.

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