Ball of Nothing

Chapter 384 Half Moon Village Delegates

Chapter 384 Half Moon Village Delegates

After signing the deal to help Axel find the desert poppy, Zero and Truen found themselves waiting for the trader to help them groom the sand walkers for their travel.

Dorgon brought the elves out for a drink and asked them once again. "Do you understand the risks of finding a desert poppy? I can’t believe that spriggan made you agree to it."

Zero smiled. "That’s why we’re asking you to give us detailed maps about Derby Desert. We got some from the traders at Little Stone Town but they aren’t very detailed. There are a few places that we don’t have detailed maps about. Other than Magnus Hilda, Lycantopia, Rocket Mountain and Smargdas, I don’t have any detailed maps about the other five nations."

The guild master twitched and took a sip of his wine, asking the barmaid for a refill before he glared at Zero. "That’s only natural. Do you know what kind of territory the other nations are? Indra Seagloo and Derby Desert are dangerous terrains that no other species can survive in except for the sea folk and the gnomes with their advanced technology. You were talking about dwarven or human traders, right? These people wouldn’t have maps of these dangerous places. Even cartographers won’t willingly explore these places without an A-rank party of escorts. It is that dangerous."

Truen expected as much. However, he could guess why nobody had maps on the Great Altear Forest and the Mystic Meadows. The political situation didn’t give cartographers the chance to explore them and the people of those lands want to live in isolation from the world in some sense. "What about The United Nation of the Uncanny? Surely it wouldn’t be hard to draw a map of it."

Dorgon laughed when he heard that. "Sure. Of course, it’s easy to draw maps of it. How often do you think the kingdoms want to update them? With the constant civil war going on, territories are constantly changing. Oh, did I mention? Even their wizard tower had been destroyed twice in the last fifty years. How would a map help? You’re better off asking the locals for the latest news when you get there instead. Nobody knows what will happen in that god-forsaken place."

Zero listened and ate slowly. Tomorrow, Zenoboia and Schaf will arrive at Rocket Mountain. He was looking forward to meeting them but also nervous because they would be negotiating terms with the King. Although Zero knew that negotiations for business on a larger scale can take anywhere from two weeks to a month to finalise, he wasn’t sure if their mission could be completed within that time. He still had many things to do like find a gnome technician to fix the Crafter’s Suit and get a desert poppy seed for the spriggan. In addition, Dorgon had to help Magnus Hilda build a Freya statue before Half Moon Village had any right to negotiate business with these two nations. Oh, did he forget to mention that the outcome of Princess Dorothy’s confession to Fae King Vivian might impact the favour of the negotiations? In fact, if it went badly, Zero and Truen might find themselves with bounties set by the leaders of Mystic Meadow.

"What are you thinking about?" Truen asked when Zero stopped eating.

Dorgon also noticed the silence and grinned. "Nervous? Going to the desert isn’t for the faint-hearted after all. I’ve only been there twice myself and the times there were gnome escorts. I’ll tell you that navigating through the sand sea is probably as hard as navigating in the open sea. It might even be harder because compasses don’t work."

Truen chuckled. "I don’t think Zero is worried about that. We’ve been travelling for a while now so we usually let fate take us to where we should be. There isn’t any particular aim for us right now so life is an adventure. It’s just that some friends of ours will be visiting tomorrow."

Zero sighed when he heard that. "Do you think Lady Zenobia will recognise me?"

Dorgon didn’t understand that but Truen did. "You might have changed a little externally but I’m sure she would recognise you once you start talking to her. Also, stop worrying so much! You’ll be seeing the princess later to tell her about our departure. Don’t make her worry."

Dorgon nodded in agreement and they finished up their meal quickly so that Zero and Truen could return to the palace and bid their goodbyes to the Princess.

Princess Dorothy held back tears when her teacher said that she was going to travel to Derby Desert for a quest. The dwarven princess urged Zero not to go because it was dangerous but the doctor held out his adventurer tag proudly. "I’m an adventurer now, it means that I am very strong. No sandworm or illusion can harm me. Besides, I have the protection of gods above. It’ll just be a quick trip to find a gnome technician and the desert poppy. I think I still have some space in my bag. Would you like me to get you anything from the desert, princess?"

Princess Dorothy couldn’t understand why Zero sounded so carefree. It wasn’t as if she was walking in the garden within the palace. She was going to DERBY DESERT! It was a land that claimed so many lives and anybody who set foot there had a high chance of never coming back out.

"I only request for your safety and for you to return to us swiftly," the princess replied, making Zero very proud of how far along she has come as a woman and a princess. "I don’t need any souvenirs."

Zero laughed. "Well said. When are you going to confess to Fae King Vivian?"

Princess Dorothy paused. Initially, she intended to do it next week but after hearing that her teacher was going to part very soon, she decided to postpone it. "I will do it when you return. I’ll write Fae King Vivian a letter to place bets. If you return, I would declare my feelings to him once more and he should look at me as a woman and not the little girl he once knew. If you don’t return, I shall never speak about my feelings for him again. That’s why teacher, you must return!"

Zero’s heart softened when he heard that. The princess was worried silly about his safety that she made such a reckless decision just to hear him tell her that he would be back. Zero knew what a promise was and he didn’t break them easily. To put Dorothy’s mind at ease, he made a vow that he would return.

"Tomorrow the delegates from Half Moon Village will come. Do get some sleep, princess. I will see you tomorrow. Don’t worry, we’re not going to run say in the middle of the night for the desert without saying a proper goodbye."

After her teacher gave her the word, the princess left. Now, there was only one more thing to resolve before they could head to bed. Zero and Truen went to find Motley to discuss the closure of the temporary clinic. Now that his job at Rocket Mountain was mostly done, it was time to wrap up the loose ends.

Motley listened to the elven siblings with a poker face. He wasn’t surprised when Zero said that the temporary clinic had to be closed down because she was going to accompany her brother to Derby Desert. The moment he heard from King Darius about how Zero was registering as an adventurer, he already knew what was going to happen. Luckily, he made preparations.

"I understand. It will take us a few days to finalise the payment for your treatment services, please stay in the palace for a few more days while the finance department totals your bills. Also, I believe that you might want to meet the delegates from Half Moon Village who will be coming tomorrow. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, perhaps you could give them a tour of the capital while we prepare."

Zero smiled. "I shall do just that. Thank you, chancellor."

Motley nodded and stood up, looking up to Truen. "Thank you for bringing Dorgon Flintstock back. Rocket Mountain may be unable to provide too much assistance for your trip to the Derby Desert but should the time come when your hometown, Half Moon Village is attacked, we will send arms over to defend. This is a promise that King Darius had agreed to so you can go with a peace of mind."

Zero was surprised to hear it but Motley smiled and shoved them out of the room. Truen wasn’t expecting it. How did the chancellor find out that they were from Half Moon Village? They were careful not to mention it the whole time. Still, it was reassuring to know that the dwarves were allies and not foes.

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