Banished to Another World

Chapter 439: Discerning the bones to make money

Chapter 439: Discerning the bones to make money

Before Yan Mo squeezed into the bone-discerning stall, he went to the several bone objects stores in the market and swayed around.

How popular bone objects are in the Western Continent, as long as you look at the market in the Wuqian City you will know.

The bone objects here are about the same tools as his predecessors, they range from home every day tools to high-end weapons.

The prevalence of tools will inevitably involve more materials, and the basis of bone objects is also essential material is naturally meant a variety of bones are needed to make different objects.

Under the introduction given by Hou Nu and Hou Shi, Yan Mo knows that bones are not graded, but the price is completely different. For example, the most common chicken bones, rabbit bones, mouse bones and some bird\'s bones are the least valuable.

In addition to the rare bones, the most valuable bones are those energy bearing bones. It is said that the energy bearing bones used to refine bone treasures have a much higher success rate than ordinary bones.

By the way, the bone objects in the Western Continent are roughly divided into two types. One is an ordinary bone object that does not use the yuan-crystal to generate energy, and the other one that need to be inlaid with a yuan-crystal to evoke special abilities is called a bone treasure.

The bone treasures are divided into two group, the ones which can be controlled by the spiritual strength and another are the ones which cannot controlled by the spiritual strength. The former is generally more powerful, but it needs to be made so that even a weak spiritual strength person can control it. Soul or Spiritual bone treasure can be used by few people except the witch the hornless Tribesmen. Because of such an obvious division of abilities, the bones objects which can be controlled by spiritual strength is even more precious.

“How are the bones here sold?”

Yan Mo heard another new customer rushing in and asked.

"One price, all cost one hundred coins." The stall owner sat on the floor and replied with a smile.

The stall owner is a horned man, and Hou Shi secretly told him that this person and his partner are likely to be brave, and they also brought two hornless Tribesmen to be slaves for them.

"So expensive, can you lower the price? Didn’t you come back to sell these bones for fifty coins during the last time?"

The stall owner said: "The last time was the last time. This time we collected a lot of bones from the Silver Fox forest. Everyone should know that some beasts in the Silver Fox forest are born with demon blood, most of their bones carry energy. There are also some bones that are not energetic but very rare. Can you pick them out from these bones? Look at your own eyesight."

"Silver Fox Forest!" Looking at the bustling people, it seems that many people know what the Silver Fox Forest is referring to.

"What about the Silver Fox Forest? They really have good goods from there. If they have already dealt with the bone objects store. These are just the bone objects store and the Bone-Sculptor have already picked the rest. Who knows if there are any good goods inside?" Someone was unkindly pointing out the facts.

The stall owner was calm and not flustered. "So it depends on your eyesight and luck. Before, no one was picking out the bones with energy and scarcity in my stall. We are not going to sell all bones with energy in them, we will let the bone be chosen from the group first. The store and Bone-Sculptor picked it up again, and some of the bones contain energy that is very hidden, or very rare, even if the bone objects store and Bone-Sculptor will do it they will not have an easy time picking them apart.”

Yan Mo understands that discerning bones is to identify two valuable bones, one that contains energy and one that is relatively rare.

Yan Mo is strangely thinking about another thing. He whispered Hou Nu: "Can you see the energy contained in the bones?"

Hou Nu smiled and smiled. "If we can do it, then our village will not be so poor."

HouShi muttered on the side. "If someone in our village can recognize the energy in the bones, any bone objects selling store will be willing to ask him. I heard that the village witch in the Yuanfen village can see energy bearing bones and their village is especially rich just by doing this! ”

HouNu added: "But such people are really special. I heard that there are not many of the Horn-people who can do this. And some bones have obvious energy, and some are not obvious. And the Bone-Sculptor may not be able to see ""

Yan Mo touched his nose and silently looked at Yuan Zhan.

Yuan Zhan returned his question mark with his eyes.

Yan Mo didn\'t mean to be in front of so many people: To determine whether there is energy in the bones, it is the test requirement for the 7th rank to be able to enter the 8th rank in Bone Sculpting training, and the more severe is to see how much energy is contained and what the attribute is. Because bones are not as energetic as possible, Bone Sculptors also pay attention to the properties and energy stability. In other words, the bones placed on the stalls have energy, energy, and energy. In his eyes, they are as clearly discernible as the searchlights.

Interestingly, however, the bones of the Eastern Continent basically contain energy. There are few bones that do not contain energy. The bones that do not contain energy are either decaying or energy has been lost. Otherwise, there will be more or less.

However, looking at the bones of this stall, not all contain energy, and even some contain only a very small number of energy.

Yan Mo wondered if this was related to the fact that the vitality elements of the Western Continent were not easily absorbed by the living things here, and he crouched down and reached out.

His hand was blocked.

Stall owner, "Old rules, want to touch the bones to look at, pay a hundred coins first."

The rules here are actually paying before seeing the goods first? Yan Mo is a bit uncomfortable.

Hou Nu now knows that God sent Da-Ren has no bone coins - his understanding is that God sent Da-Ren came with precious crystals, but the yuan-crystal can only be used in the realm of the gods, here the Horn-people can\'t see it.

To this end, as soon as he saw the God sent Da-Ren being stopped, Hou Nu immediately hesitated to take out more than half of the total 150 coins in the entire village.

The stall owner stopped and took the bone coins from Hou Nu and looked Yan Mo. Yan Mo looked silly and asked: "Shouldn’t you be able to let go?"

The stall owner pouted, and seemed to be very indifferent to the poorness of this Hornless man. Another stall owner sneered aside and said: "Are you coming here for the first time to distinguish bones? Just like gambling, you have not paid the bone coins. If you are like you, if you pay the money, you get to touch all the bones. If you don’t buy it, would have to pay back. We can’t do it!"

Hou Nu also whispered to him and said that the rules here are like this.

Yan Mo is very embarrassed. He thought that such an important thing should be clear to him at the beginning. If he can\'t identify the bones and just look around, then isn\'t this 100-bone coin spent in vain?

Thinking of HouNu paying without hesitation, that action trusting and paying more than half of the property in the village, Yan Mo\'s attitude also gotten serious. Their bone coin is only enough for him to choose one. He originally wanted to choose an energy bearing bone, exchanged the coin and made other business. Now he changed his mind. When he changed the coin, he would come back to put it on the stall. All the bones with energy will be picked out and bought.

At this time, there were two other people who paid the bones, but they were all the Horn-people. So far, the Hornless people who really pay for the bones seem to be Yan Mo.

There were some whispers around him, and not like whispers. Because the voice was quite loud, they were not afraid that Yan Mo could hear them.

“This Hornless man is crazy and wants to gamble, or can he really distinguish?”

“Maybe people have learned to make bone objects?”

A burst of laughter came, "How old is he? Is he a sixteen seventeen youngster? Even if he has learned to distinguish bones, can he be like the Horn-people with soul power? And how much can he have learned at his age? At most he might have learned basic bones. Does he have any recognition of energy bearing bones?"

"He has bone objects on his body, maybe he is a disciple of the Hornless people?"

"There is no feather on the head, who knows."

”You see no, there is tattoo on the face of the Hornless people around him, and I don’t know which wilderness man is coming out of which deep forest.”

Yan Mo listened to laughter and looked up at Yuan Zhan.

Yuan Zhan was expressionless, but he can\'t understand their jeering anyway.

Someone voice was: "There is no soul strength to identify the energy in the bones. Do you really think that anyone can distinguish bones and make bone objects? Among our Horn-people and how many can become Bone-Sculptors?" [1] The Bone Sculpting and the Horn-people are the same one except they use the colors on the horns to distinguish clans... It’s like European and the Germans the Pols and the Spanish they are the same Europeans but different in a way

"Well, let alone, maybe the Hornless people just want to gamble."

"Yes, but it’s just a hundred coins."

There is another laugh in the crowd, because knowing the life of the Hornless people knows that most of the Hornless people are poor, especially the Hornless people living in the villages outside the city, if they live in remote places such as the deep forest, it is possible that they have not even seen the bone coin.

Although Yuan Zhan couldn\'t understand what the people around him were saying, he listened to their laughter and tone, looked at their expressions, and knew that these people were laughing at his Priest Da-Ren.

Laugh, laugh? Hey, believe it or not I will make you choke on your blood!

Yuan Zhan has unlimited confidence in his own Priest Da-Ren. He doesn\'t know how the Horn-people\'s bones level is. Yan Mo doesn\'t usually sculpt the bone objects particularly with enthusiasm, but he doesn\'t think his Priest will be beaten by this little thing.

"You want bone coins, I can help you get it, how much is there do you want." Yuan Zhan thought about how much work he will to do.

Yan Mo looked serious. In fact, he casually grabbed a half-foot bone and gets up and says: "Be careful, there is no point in making a big mistake. Also, remember, the next time you want to rob, don\'t tell me."

Yuan Zhan:... fxck! He also forgot that the ancestors will be punish Yan Mo for his actions. But listening to Mo, as long as he did not tell him in advance, the ancestors would not count what he did on Yan Mo head? It seems that Mo also told him about this before.

The stall owner didn\'t understand what Yan Mo was saying to Yuan Zhan, but the Hornless people had a lot of dialects. It\'s not surprising that he didn\'t understand. He saw that Yan Mo had been chosen and specifically confirmed with him: "You have chosen this?"


“Why did you choose it?” There are very few the Hornless people who can identify the bones, and so the stall owner asked more.

Yan Mo tells the truth: "I think it has energy."

The stall owner laughed. "Haha! Do you think it has energy? Well, I hope it can work well for you. What are you going to do with it, sell it to the bone objects store, or sell it to Bone-Sculptor, or leave it for yourself??"

"Look for more like it." Yan Mo took the bone to go.

"Don\'t go!" Someone called Yan Mo. "The stall owner has a way to test the bone treasure, let him test it for you."

"That is, since you are so sure that the bones have energy, then you are not afraid that the measurement will say otherwise."

Yan Mo didn\'t know why he turned to look at Hou Nu. Hou Nu was busy explaining to him: "If you want to know if the bones contain energy, one is if you have the keen eye at discerning it, and the other can be determined by a bone test that specifically tests whether the bones contain energy."

"There are such bone objects? Since there are such bone objects..."

The manager of the stall interjected: "It seems that you really don\'t know anything. I will teach you today. The bones of this kind of test energy have a common shortcoming because it judges the test object by exciting the energy of the test object. Whether there is energy, and how much energy is contained. If the test object itself does not have energy, it will not withstand the energy of the excitation, and in the end it will be destroyed."

Yan Mo\'s understanding after listening is: the tested object without energy is like something with no fuse, it will be burned once it is energized.

Perhaps this metaphor is not appropriate and not quite correct, but it is more straightforward.

The stall owner said: "Do you want to measure? Others have to pay ten coins, and you don\'t have to pay it for the first time. But it is also possible that your bone is one of the rare materials, which does not have energy, it may be destroyed after the test. You should consider it."

"Don\'t think about it." Some people who watched the crowd called out, "You can go to the bone objects store or Bone-Sculptor. If he is not sure that this is a rare material, they will use bone treasure to test whether the bone contains energy and they will charge you. If you have to pay another ten coins, it is better to test it here."

One of the two Horn-people who are picking the bones looked up and is not arrogant: “Hornless man, show me your bones."

Yan Mo looked at the Horn-people.

This Horn-people are celebrities. No one can recognize him at the scene. The Horn-people himself said: "I am 4th rank Bone-Sculptor. I know almost all the bones. You let me see if it is a rare material, if not, you don\'t have to run to anyone to test it anymore."

The Horn-people stood up and showed up the Bone-Sculptor logo hanging on his waist. A domino marked with Bone-Sculptor rank. It was a two-inch rectangular domino and except the surrounding pattern, the most obvious is the Bone Sculpting people number in the middle of the domino showed a bright "4" word.

The Bone-Sculptor\'s personal information is also on the back of the domino, but this does not need to be shown to everyone.

When others saw that the Horn-man was a 4th rank Bone-Sculptor, they all showed respect. Everyone knows how hard it is to become a Bone-Sculptor. Not only do they have to learn a lot of knowledge, but in the later stages, they must continue to be strong.

Generally there are plenty of Bone-Sculptor who are a 3rd rank working to reach 4th rank, 3rd rank and below is something that the Hornless people can also learn, but 4th rank and 4th rank or more, only the Horn-people can learn.

No one doubts that the Horn-people Bone-Sculptor, can be see counterfeits, because a Bone-Sculptor domino can only correspond to one person. To verify the true and false, just drop the blood of the Bone-Sculptor onto his domino to know..

The people who watched the hustle and bustle yelled and asked Yan Mo to quickly give the bone to the Bone-Sculptor.

Yan Mo thought that it would be tested anyway. If he asked the bone objects store to identify he will have to spend money. Some people are willing to take the initiative to check it out for free. Why not? Then, along with everyone\'s wishes, he gave the bone to the Bone-Sculptor.

The Bone-Sculptor took the bone and looked at it twice. He smelled it under the nose and rubbed it. Then he was surely said: "This is a wolf rib. Look at the length, size and bone pattern. This is only a young wolf, maybe not born for two or three months. I can\'t see the energy, but the wolf bone is not a rare material."

This judgment is not unexpected.

Bone-Sculptor returned the bone to Yan Mo. "Although it is not a rare material, but the wolf ribs are more useful, like this alone, sold to the bone objects store can sell about three to five bone coins."

The meaning of this Bone-Sculptor is very clear. He wanted to let Yan Mo not test it. It is a bit of a coin recovery.

The stall owner also looked at Yan Mo: "Do you want to test its energy?"

"Measure it, why not?" Yan Mo changed hands and handed the wolf ribs to the stall owner.

The stall owner asked the partner to hand him the bone object for testing. The thing is a bit like a gold stick. The stall owner holds it, one point is on the wolf ribs, the thumb is pressed down by the yuan-crystal, and the energy in the crystal is circulating. The front end of the stick glowed.

"It light up! Look at the color change."

When the light is on, the test bone is activated, and the light energy at the front end is discolored, indicating that the test object contains energy. The brighter and brighter the light, the more energy the test substance contains.

Someone looked at the front end of the bone stick and shook his head. "Are sure, I could have saved a few bone coins. Now... Hey, these the Hornless people are really crazy."

"Yeah, if it\'s really easy to distinguish bones..."

"Discolored!" The exclamations came out.

"Ah?!" Many people haven\'t responded yet.

"There is really energy!" The incredible whisper sounded.

It was the stall owner who was surprised to stare at the front end of the bone stick and lost his voice.

Hou Shi blinked his eyes and saw that the front end of the bone stick was really discolored, and he screamed and jumped in excitement!

Hou Nu also clenched his fists and was so excited that his body trembled. The God sent messenger certainly cannot be mistaken, the village witch was happy!

The people who watched the hustle and bustle gradually reacted. Someone asked: "The color is black, what is this energy?"

"Black?" Bone-Sculptor, who had just looked at the wolf bones, widened his eyes and screamed in amazement: "Is this a corrosive of the wolf bone?"

Everyone exclaimed: "Corrosive demon wolf?! Is this a rare material?"

"If it is really corrosive wolf"

"Maybe it is a fake, they are all measured, even if it is not corrosive energy, and this wolf bone is not an ordinary wolf bone!"

"Oh Gods above, this Little Hornless man is so lucky!"

The result came out, and Yan Mo bent over to pick up the wolf ribs and nodded to the stall owner and turned.

"Wait!" The 4th rank Bone-Sculptor stepped forward to Yan Mo. "Three thousand bone coins, can you sell it to me?"

Yan Mo didn\'t know the various bones prices in the Western continent. He didn\'t know whether the offer was high or low. Looking at Hou Shi and Hou Nu, these two have common sense, but they usually have little contact with bone objects. Naturally, it is not clear whether this price is appropriate.

When Bone-Sculptor looked at Yan Mo\'s expression, he knows that the other person is a young child, and he is even more reluctant to let the bone go. "Three thousand and one hundred bone coins, you will not find a higher price even if you go to the bone objects store."

Bone with energy and special energy can be made at least 4th rank objects or above. If the energy is rich, it is not a dream to make a bone object above 5th rank. Even as an auxiliary material it is good!

Ordinary 3rd rank below the bone objects is something which the Hornless people can also afford, but 4th rank or above, especially the bones that can bear energy is not affordable for the average person.

Some people around were tempted. The stall owner looked at the Bone-Sculptor and was a little unhappy in front of him. He gave his companion a look, and his companion immediately pushed out the crowd. They are here to identify the bones, naturally there are long-term cooperation bone objects store, and the bone objects store they also take possession, of course, have to go to their own home.

Yan Mo hesitated - in fact, he was waiting to see if there were other people quoting different price, and the people in the bone objects store who had the relationship with the stall owner came in. Just squeezed into the crowd and shouted: "Don\'t rush to trade, if it is really corrosive wolf bones, our shop is willing to pay 3,500 bones coins!"

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