My Evil Stepson System

Chapter 224 224. Angelica.

Chapter 224 224. Angelica.

Just before Ned Baratheon arrived at the airport, he decided to replay the video recorded when his wife subtly a camera for their plan against Kevin.

He wondered what must have gone wrong for Kevin to have

After Kevin eliminated all of Ned Baratheon men, he subtly followed him to Amber City where he and Wolfgang devised a plan to torment Ned Baratheon.

It\'s been a week since Ned Baratheon came to visit Brian Stark and ever since he knew Brian Stark was no longer alive, he knew there was no way he could escape.

Wolfgang ordered his men to lock Ned Baratheon in a room.

No one knew why the boss wanted Ned Baratheon to be locked in a room but no one wanted to find out what was exactly going on in that room as well because whenever the boss enters the room, the screams of Ned Baratheon is what would be echoed out of the room.

At first the screams sounded mildly but soon the cracking of bones could be heard from outside the room and no matter how many times Ned Baratheon pleaded for Kevin to stop and have mercy on him.

Kevin showed no company to implement clemency.

Instead, he repaired Ned Baratheon crushed bones, only for it to be destroyed once again.

But after a week, the boss entered into the room and rather than the usual scream be heard from the room, they were surprised when everything became silent even though the boss has been in the room for hours.

Some thought Ned Baratheon couldn\'t handle the torture anymore and instead sought to kill himself before undergoing another harrowing experience.

While others concluded, Ned Baratheon was fed up with the boss treatment and then decided to have to plan a surprise attack on the boss before killing himself if everything goes well.

Although, most of Wolfgang\'s men knew the latter was impossible due to how strong the boss was, still a few of them, Wolfgang included, were a bit worried by the silence the room had been in since Kevin walked into the room.

Wolfgang and a couple of his men walked towards the direction of the room.

*Knock* *Knock*


"Come in Wolfgang,"

Wolfgang opened the door and to his surprise he found Ned Baratheon standing in front of him with his eyes devoid of their colors.

It was as though he had experience life and death over and over again.

He was also a lot thinner than he was a few days he arrived in the underground.

Meanwhile Kevin was sitting on a chair, seemingly lost in his thoughts.

He heard the footsteps approaching into the room before the door was closed behind them.

"Oh good, you\'re all here. I\'ll need your help with something,"

"What is it boss?"

"Ned has a couple of things he would like to share to the general public, so I\'ll need you guys to accompany him safely back to Ruby City. Is that clear?"

"Yes boss,"

Wolfgang and his men bowed before walking out of the room with Ned Baratheon as well.


Meanwhile in Ruby City, Victoria, Sasha, Vanessa, Dahlia, Amy and Isabelle were all lounging in Kevin\'s penthouse.

Only Victoria, Vanessa and Isabelle were awake while the others were asleep.

"What is this?" Isabelle asked as Victoria handed her a document.

Upon looking closely at it, Isabelle recalled it to be a copy of her company\'s contract.

"Within this contract, there are a few clauses you failed to take note of," Victoria pointed out the clauses Kevin pointed out to her that might not have been easily spotted in the tiny format the contract was written.

The contract made mention of a third party funding Isabelle\'s company but the name of this third party remained vague throughout the length of the contract.

PEAK is the mysterious third party funding the company but while no one else knows much about the company, the true purpose of the company has always been to mix mistletoe with the drinks made from Isabelle\'s bottling company, with the goal aimed at mutating the mass at large.

But in a matter of hours, Ned Baratheon will step out to the media to announce his involvement in taking part with an unknown organization whose goal is to slowly turn every human into an awakened.

He would also confess his crimes of murdering Max Lannister and also using his wife to bait rich men across the city before drugging and forcing them to sell a large percentage of shares of their company in exchange for keeping silent about the event that occurred with his wife in an hotel room even though none of these men recall anything that might have occurred that night.

But right after Ned Baratheon made this shocking confess to the world, he murdered himself in cold blood and a wide spread panic filled the city.

The world government began a worldwide search of the industry involved in the mass production of mistletoe and many other companies did everything in their power to cut ties with Baratheon limited.

But while so many were trying their best to cut ties with the company, Kevin bought the most shares of Ned Baratheon\'s company, including Maxflix and Dynamo Bottling Company as well.

When Victoria and Isabelle were done checking out the necessary details needed for Kevin to take full control of his new company, both of them made preparations to leave the penthouse but just before they were about to leave the penthouse, an unexpected entity destroyed one of the glass wall before gliding into the living room.

The shattered glass startled everyone else awake and Amy, Sasha and Dahlia rushed out of the bedroom.

To their surprise, a wild gust of wind blew into the apartment from the broken glass wall with the silhouette of an angelic creature descending into the room, but as they looked watched closely, the silhouette turned out to be a silver hair beauty with demonic wings.

Her eyes glowed crimson with a domineering aura oozing out of her body and pulling everyone down to their knees.

She increased the pressure, making it difficult for the girls to breathe, with a few of them slowly approaching their death, but as Angelica continued to do this, a frown appeared on her face as though she wasn\'t satisfied with what she was seeing.

Then suddenly, a spherical black shadow circulated beneath the girls feet, engulfing each and everyone one of them to shield them away from Angelica\'s attack.

Seeing this, a smile bloomed on her face and Cerberus leaped out of the shadow with ten other clones.

Each of those clones chose a flank to attack but ten purple flame spears materializes and hovered behind Angelica.

The clones leaped towards her all at once but all ten spears instantly stabbed into the clones heart, disintegrating each and everyone of them.

But right after Angelica ended all ten clones, Cerberus summoned another twenty to implement another attack but Angelica ended each and everyone of them within a blink of an eye.

Knowing full well that its master wouldn\'t be glad to hear about the demise of his women, Cerberus knew defeat wasn\'t an option.

But what could a demonic creature do against a formidable foe.

With the skill Angelica possessed, Cerberus knew Angelica was no mere demon, especially with the aptitude she possessed.

Cerberus bared its teeth and erupted its body red, blue and green flames while its body slowly expands and grew large.

Two more heads popped up on either sides of its first head to make it three and with a loud growl, each head fired a pillar of flames towards Angelica.

But that wasn\'t the only attack they had in their arsenal.

Three magic circles appeared on top of Angelica head and feet with a barrage of flame spears lunging in from each magic circles.

The attack lasted for a minute, with the loud sound of explosions echoing out of the penthouse.

A huge cloud of smoke filled the spot Angelica stood on and as the wind blew in to clear the smoke away, Cerberus was shock to discover that not even a bit of his attack could leave a dent on her.

She was completely unharmed by its attack.

Angelica smiled and walked towards Cerberus with a ominous grin on her face.

With a click of her finger, two purple flame arrows hovered above her head and fired straight at two of Cerberus head instantaneously, catching him by surprise.

Cerberus subconsciously moved backwards, not knowing how to attack back.

"I can see you do not want to disappoint your master,"

"Just tell me where he is and I\'ll make your death a little less painful Cerberus,"

Cerberus eyes widened at the mention of its name only know to him and Kevin.


A/N:- Thank you for reading this far. Please, keep supporting the novel. Your power stones and golden tickets really goes a long way in encouraging me to keep writing. I\'ll release between five to ten chapters if we can reach 200 golden tickets before the end of the month.


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